Saturday, January 4, 2014

Becoming a cop

I've gotta do something. I dunno. Lotta people putting their lives on the line to service people who don't give a damn about them.

That's corporations and military. They do the job without caring about who the fuck they're servicing.

I wouldn't mind becoming a cop. Then when I break the law, I can say well, yunno, I'm a cop so it's ok.

No, I'll do the right thing and all that bullshit.

I'm tired of not having a job. I'm so tired. They got the police exam coming up... going to go take that shit pass it and then proceed with trying to get into the police academy. Fuck it! YEAH I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I just wanna do something! Make money! Live pretty decent. Maybe even get respect from people because I got a badge and gun...

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