Saturday, January 4, 2014

My goals

Here I stand.

The world before me.

I wonder what to do with my time and my life.

Fucking a bitch is definitely top priority.

But besides that. I don't know... I don't have much intentions at this point except to lose weight.

I figure, sure enough get the pounds off and stop feeling like a blob. That'll make life for me personally 100 times more fun.

I'm an extremist always have been. Not gonna lie. That's not what some people like. They like a guy to fit neatly into their little box in life and not make any waves, but I'm not one to typically be so easily controlled, never have been. I like to test my limits, push myself, further and further, and see if I can handle bigger challenges.

This challenge is to stay on the water diet for a month, which I've yet to accomplish.

I'll keep you all posted. It's hell to do this thing. You start then you look at a steak in the fridge and figure, what's a little bit of that...

I want to become like a true super saiyan though and maybe it's crazy but I believe if I make it through this, I'll have ascended to super saiyan level and no one will be able to stop me. I'll become A GOD. 

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