Saturday, May 23, 2009

Damn I'm angry

I'm so angry. My father threatened me today, says that when I get into training I'll be wishing I was back home. Yeah right... I just don't get it. I know it's the "real world" which means that you should no longer expect people to be nice to you like when you were a kid. I get it. Not that I'm surprised. When you're a kid, sure people who are older are nice, but other kids tear you apart so what's the difference? I've been there, done that. I actually prefer verbal abuse to a bunch of dumbass kids beating up on me and getting away with it because they know they can. I'll be walking around in my blue Airforce uniform around my old shitty neighborhood and laughing at all the guys who kicked my ass anyway as they work at target or some low level crap as they try to pay off child support.

Being a genius as I've been told, is really not all it's cracked up to be for lack of a better phrase. I've got people trying to pull me into their bullshit views on life because they don't have anything better to do. Shrugs. Well to elaborate, we live in a nation that's predominantly white, religious, and heterosexual. Me being black, I've got one point against me, but another point would be if I was athiest or another, gay. Blacks, athiests, gays, all have it bad in this society. Whites are scared, and in my opinion, rightfully so, of gangsters influencing their children, gays, and athiests too. It's human nature and there's no changing that. I'm not even going to touch it when I'm working my job in the airforce a measly 2 months from now. I'm done with society. There's no pleasing anyone really. Do what you got to do in life and screw everybody else. None of them care about you one fart's worth no matter how nice they are to you.

On that point, my sister's here and she's playing 'nice' so she can get what she wants from me. It's what women do. When they want something, they'll be nice. When they want to hurt you or prove they're tougher than men, they'll subtly insult you, whatever. I don't care. I'm a man and tough luck kid, you were born a woman and that means you're not ever going to be able to beat me down no matter how much you whine. She'll be back in the kitchen a good 10 years from now no doubt. This world's not 'nice' or 'friendly' and ruthless assholes get the prize every time. So good luck feminists... Really... one minute you whine about there being too many asshole guys around then next as is the case with my generation of early 20s guys, WHERE DA REAL MEN BE AT? We're here, we're just sitting around waiting for REAL women to return. Then we'd love to take a bullet for ya no prob.

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