Friday, May 1, 2009


Why am I still blogging?

I have to get this off my chest and into cyberspace. Today I made a serious error that's been prickling my brain, mang. I bragged. I went to slashfilm and commented jokingly about the new gi joe movie which looks sweet as hell, then someone very slyly responded in a racist kind of way, and then I as usual reacted defensively by wagging my new dick around that's my airforce enlistment. Yes, I'm now a military man, and that means I have to grow the fuck up. I'm going to publicly lash myself here for being an arrogant dick about my accomplishment, which I am proud of and seriously will push myself HARD to work towards my personal goals and make up for the mistakes of the past, of which I continue to regret, however that does not mean I must lose my sense of humility. I have no one to blame but myself really. I'm young, yes, a hotshot, brash, foolish young thing who doesn't know squat about the world yet, still green, but I can't hide behind that fact anymore.

I think about how many chances i've been given in the past to relax, nay, chillax and it astounds me. It really does. I should have NEVER set foot in a forum like that at that stage in my life, loney or not, I really wish I could take it back. Maybe my story will help them recognize similar cases in the future and better handle them, so maybe some good came of it I hope.

oooh k, i got it out there. I'm just beating myself up because you can't be black and fuck up. You just can't.

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