Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hmmmmmmmmmm... I don't know whether I want to bother getting a girlfriend or whatever. It's so stupid that women expect men to approach them all the time out on the streets like animals looking for a treat. Do they like that? When I went into the job orientation for that crappy piece of garbage job I used to do at JFK, corporate training video thing told us employees that if you were interested in a fellow employee you should ask them out for a date. I was thinking, what business is it of some company what I decide to do to get a girlfriend? I'm like, wow, really? It's that simple huh...

So that's what us men are expected to do by the big dogs controlling the world these days, work shittttttastic jobs, and politely ask random women if we can be with them and stuffs. Yet women can do whatever they want in this society we live in now. It's because of pregnancy. No matter what men say about how they're treated, women will always always always be given special exceptions. Men are expendable.

That's why I'm so done with people's nonsense. This world's rough, I know, but to this extent where I have no freedom, and am a slave to whatever expectations are laid before me? God's going to fix this, I know it... He showed me yeterday that some women care about men out there. The lady in the car was more concerned with my safety than about her car. Good people exist if you can find them I guess. IF and i truly stress IF I find a girl who's actually not a man-hating nut, I'll take the plunge... God's got some kind of plan for me and I just have to go with it, man... no matter how crazy it looks.

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