Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm so tired of life. It's nothing but pain... I'm alive yet dead. I'm not enjoying life. I guess I got depression which is the most stupid illness I've ever heard of. Really, they've turned a bit of sadness into a full disease? I can understand cancer, aids, psychotic disorders, those are all real and serious problems people have. I should know having lived with that stuff all my life. Yes I'm down in the dump, got no friends, hated by society, hated by the internet society. Yep I'm aware that I've been targeted by people though I'm thinking that's a waste of time myself. If you ignore me, you'd have no reason to care about my existence. I do this blog because it's therapeutic, I guess. No, just lonely. No man's an island...

Loneliness is the worst thing in the world. Got friends, don't take it for granted, I say...

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