Thursday, October 31, 2013

My thoughts on humor

I've become aware of something recently. Some people don't have a sense of humor. Everything is logic and numbers to them.

So It's like, I'm a person who's always been trying to not be a "clown" as some douche bag asshole once labeled me so astutely, but to lean more towards looking on the bright side, and finding the good in life.

From the start, I've been trying to seek out those aspects of life that are fun and a good way of escaping realtiy. Movies, cartoons, comics, videogames, books, and so on.

And now it's being made out to be a bad thing to have a sense of humor and to feel happy and enjoy things without tearing them down into a billion pieces.

That's the thing about life now vs as a kid. I used to watch any movie I wanted, no problem. Just enjoyed the craftmenship of the film. Now I watch a movie and I think in my head, "oh is there ways they could have improved this movie, are there better movies, what is this movie saying politically."

Like star wars. Its clear as crystal what George Lucas' opinion is of black people when you look at the Gungans and Jar jar.  I don't know how deeply Lucas feeling are, I don't know if he had a bad experience with blacks his whole life and decided to piss on them later as a billionare, I don't know... it's above my head and I can't say I care that much. Because maybe in a way his abandoning his original vision for star wars in exchange for his racist views, has lead to star wars' downfalll as a series.

Whatever, not my problem. But yeah, I'm not a clown. I kinda took offense to that because I've always intended to become a scientist or a pilot. You can't take on that stuff if you're a clown and indeed I've always been very serious and intellectual my whole life. So to suddenly have all that boiled down to the simplistic denomination: clown, is just ridiculous after all I've done my whole life, studying, reading, working hard.

Are you a clown because you can actually find things funny? No. You're a regular person.

I can't believe the lack of common sense people have out in the world, but you darn tootin, someone will pull out a calculator and try to figure out the complex physics of a door swinging open before they open the fucking door.

Static shock live action series possibilities

Here's a thought. Been watching smallville since it first aired. It was a monumental show to me, hell superman, superheros, comics that's all monumental to me. It's why I can't stand the vitriol I often get at forums and shit, because I AM very, almost insanely passionate about super heros and comics etc. I think to myself that's the kind of guy they want in their club talking shop, but I'm abundantly wrong in the end.

No matter. I'm just thinking of possibly expanding on the static shock trailer idea and crafting a static shock tv series done in live action.

It'd be similar to the TMNT 2k3 series which followed the comics more closely. My show would be very faithful to the comic, gritty, realistic, not like the colorful often too cartoonish show. It was strange to sit back and be blasted with an awesome episode of batman beyond, then have this light fluffy almost soft pussy episode of static shock come on. I won't play like that if I have it my way... shit going to be real shit.

I like the idea of making a show that you won't find on tv, a show that's not only starring a black actor, but subverts conventions, doesn't play it safe, and takes the hard road, even to the point of evoking serious levels of drama similar to an episode of law and order. Hardly anyone smiles in that show you'll notice. That's the point. Some episodes aren't particularly complex, but because everyone's got a sour expression and there's dark music, the tone of the show feels serious. Well I'd like to steal that method.

I don't know... I just think that in the absence of smallville, there's been this huge hole to fill that I don't think that fucking Arrow show is filling. It's just not the same. One show is about the origin of the greatest superhero ever. The other is, some kind of batman-ish thing. If you're gonna make a batman show, make a batman show. Lol, actually I haven't seen Arrow so I don't know if it's any good. Maybe it is...

Is high fructose corn syrup the problem.


There ya go. i answered the question.

But more specifically, I've discovered that to be a misconception. What I mean is that I'm currently in the depths of a ketogenic diet, which is in time going to help me slim down and look like my old self again. The question is why after basic training did I balloon up to 226 pounds.

It was a shock to me. I thought after eliminating HFCS I'd done it, I'd figured out how to drop pounds. WRONG.

ANY sugar consumed at all in large amounts will lead to weight gain. And I mean ANY.

I thought nothing of having some apple juice. But look on the label of those things 30 grams of sugar. Typically people are supposed to get 40 grams per day.

I'd usually have 2 of those. So over the course of a few months I'd pack on tons of weight like a retard.

Ugh. I hate life, and love it at the same time. I don't know why my father spent thousands of dollars to send me to a high school and college that didn't teach me SHIT about diet and nutrition, but that's life, what can I say.

So I'll teach YOU.


Eat sugary food or drinks

Eat too many carbohydrates. Have a little because you need carbs.


Eat plenty of protein, at least 60 grams per day. Evenly dispersed to maximize glucagon effect.

Get plenty of water as that helps stimulate the fat burning process.


You will in time get FIT as SHIT.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

static shock flying visuals

Yep, going to fly in the static trailer. I notice nobody's done flying in any static shock trailers on youtube, probably because it'd look stupid. I imagine it's a tough thing to accomplish convincingly but I think I can do it considering how fucking easy as shit it is to make object move around in after effects...

here's my sketch of the one and only flying scene I'm going to be doing:

Protein only diet

Just fucking jacked off. what a fucking joke. I didn't want to do it, it just happened. I was watching big dangly asian girl titties and I let the shit fly. I feel stupid.

Anyway, I'm going to ingest a lot of protein today and subsequently devote my time to injesting soley protein, see how effective that is in burning fat.

Little bit of info, protein actually is what kick-starts the body's fat burning process. by releasing glucagon.

who'd have thought. I wondered why I felt AWFUL just drinking water only for days. Well, simple reason for that, body didn't get protein in it. Immediately after I ate some chicken, my body burned up a ton of fat and I had to take a mean fucking piss to get rid of it. God Damn... FUCK THE WATER DIET.

Going to go with protein only, just like atkins says, we'll see how it works...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Static Shock thoughts

rendering titles to come up at the end now. 56 hours to finish that shit. crazy....

Oh well. Gonna push this thing through. Gong to film some little things today around the neigborhood.

Going to do a voice over for the beginning of the trailer. Establishes theme for the film really. It asks what it means to be a hero. "In life we must all ask ourselves, what does it mean to be a hero." That's how it starts.

The thing that bothers me is how I'm going to capture certain things. Like the flying on the trash can lid. That I got nothing on. I can do the lightning no problem. Going to have fun with that. Going to use fireworks, set them off, and pretend to shoot it with lightning, and it should work.

Also, need to somehow get others involved. I'm friendly with some of the kids at the ball park, but who knows if they'll give a shit about this project...

on the other side of the tracks is the female part. I would love to get a big tittied bitch and put her in my trailer, but lord knows how I'm going to go about that shit....


The truth about food consumption

I've discovered something remarkable. Something I think everyone should be made aware of...

You don't have to eat every day.

Right now my body is in a state called Ketosis. It's operating solely on fat stores for fuel.

I plan to stay like this for a couple weeks, then maybe get a salad to eat on saturday.

I think that's the way the body is supposed to work, but people haven't been educated in this stuff. Believe it or not, back in cave man times or whenever, we didn't have a supermarket or mcdonalds. People went weeks without a scrap to eat if necessary.

I was at the basketball court and my eyes couldn't believe what I saw, this woman with giant fat filled ass and legs. Black woman, mind you... something I'm getting way too aware of, black people generally are fatter and unhealthy looking than all the other races. But Good God, she was waddling across the court barely able to drag her body along. Why would you live your life like that?

You only got one. Make it GOOD, before it's over. Well anyway, I plan to stay like this until I really shed the pounds and get back to my original fit slim state that I always was as a kid. That's the greatest benefit to me, to return to who I used to be. I was slim, smart, cool dude. Now I'm pudgy, older, fucked up 20something.

A lot of people say the same about Lohan. I don't get the internet honestly. You're going to bag on a white girl like that? Just because she got a little older and doesn't have that hot young ripe teenage body anymore, you're going to shit all over her looks? I'd hit that in a new york minute, bitch...

edit: I think I might have been wrong on this. I'm studying the ketogenic diet more thoroughly and from what I'm reading the best method is to consume plenty of protein per day in order to burn off fat. So yeah, it's really all about eating the proper food than completely eliminating it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

wow fucking computers

Just a little background info, I'm NOT new to computers, been using them since I was 5 years old. Started on the commodore 64 if that tells you anything. One of the things you'll learn REALLY quick about working with computers is FIXING BUGS. yep. That shit that happens out of no where and you don't know WHY the fuck it's going on? I hate that part, I reaaaaaaly do...

So I'm working on after effects static shock title sequence and I'm creating the title from SCRATCH, since I can't find a title template worth shit on google.

Ok everything's going as good as it gets, then the title is all blurry as fuck for no reason. I can't figure out why... It's racking my brain, I'm googling for answers, I'm changing random settings... then I click the depth of field icon in camera settings and it goes back to normal.

That's what I HATE about computers. I DID NOT tell the thing to turn on depth of field. It did it by itself or something.

This happens all the time. I'm programming a simple number counting program in C++ then because I spelled include wrong the program won't compile.

This is goddamn crazy, if you can't handle fixing bugs, don't get into computers in any  capacity whatsoever, just warning you...

ok here we go...

Currently at 190.6 pounds.

Going to go full throttle down to 180 pounds.

After that, gonna coast to max weight under ketosis.

What can be said about starting filming of the trailer? It'll be what it is. I don't know if anyone's going to care about it. I do, it's a dream project that's all. I've been wanting to play a live action static since I saw the cartoon. Reading the original comis now to get a feel for the character. He's definitely interesting, slightly different from the cartoon version. He's more of a smartass in the comic. Likes to talk jive which I'll use.

what else... not much. Just waiting for this text file to render in after effects. It takes 11 hours to render 3d text in this shit. Goddamn, that's ridiculous.

Random thoughts:

My proficiency with video editing and shit is increasing. Would rather get a job doing this shit than lifting luggage. Don't know if it's possible. These fucking corps want you to go to school and get certified rather than learn the shit by yourself in your basement.

Just thinking about what I can or can't do at this age. I don't feel up to it yet, studying programming, mastering after effects, maybe even mastering photoshop. I just want to jack off to porn to be honest. It's a funny thing, you can't really enjoy being young because you're constantly horny, yet older people want you to jump around like a kid on sugar rush all the time and go be some freaking student in university all day. I don't understand that. You KNOW I want to rip a girl's panties off and stick my dick in her ass hole. You KNOW that. Why are you telling me to go crack a book and study some shit till my eyes bleed. I don't get it....

Sunday, October 27, 2013

New Static Shock test footage

just finished shooting a screen test for the trailer...

just uploade test animation for the title fx I'm going to use. Figuring out how to do 3d titles is a bitch motherfucker, but I got it now.... Going to make a badass trailer, yall.

Lasha_Strip by Deeysew

planning static shock trailer

Here's the track list I'm currently planning to use for the static trailer i'll be making...


Contemplating using Matrix music too... I don't want it to sound like it's all a ripoff of tron. Going to end the whole thing on a grand operatic forte. Really make it big... that sort of thing.

spreading my blackness

The white man's greatest fear.

Yep, lovely world isn't it. You come into this shit as a black kid. You watch badass cartoons, you play with toys, you even go see cool movies, you do what you got to do...

then one day you wake up and you realize you're at the bottom of the food chain.

I'm watching porn right now. I'm watching this beautiful latina girl stripping and rubbing her vagina.

I wonder to myself if I have a chance in FUCK with this girl.

No, I don't. Nobody and I mean NOBODY wants to turn black. It's the greatest shock you're going to get as a black person in this world.

That's the one singular reason being black is extremely complicated. Nothing wrong with you, you're just a human, living your life. But ultimately you're on the outskirts of normal society, aka white society.

I was at work right... and I get assigned to the same spot as this big tittied beautiful little white/spanish girl. So we're both just chillin.... I think nothing of it, I ask her why the fuck she took this stupid job. She goes BALLISTIC. She thinks I'm hitting on her....

Woke me up. So that's whats going on in white girl's heads. They're scared of turning black...

Ultimately I played the "bad boy" for a while and actually got her pussy wet. But nevermind that... I never ever thought as a kid that I'd end up in this world as a man, a parasitic entity that the people who run the world would consider a threat.

It's the most depressing aspect of being born black and ultimately living black. That despite your natural instincts to procreate and spread your seed, you're the undesirable element in this world...

Makes me wonder why there even is a serious black power movement. Black power to do WHAT? Fuck white girls?

Goddamn drives me crazy. I LIKE white people. I like asians, I like hispanics, and I like indians. I love looking at naked sexy women of those varieties, but it's hard to realize now that I'm looking at a person and a body that I can never put my dick into with any seriousness unless that person's out of their goddamn mind.

hmmm... what kind of crazy is GOD. That he would give someone this kind of life? 

It's been truly a complicated life I've lived and ultimately NOW it's WORSE. It sucked before when I was dealing with black kids harassing me constantly. It's even more shitty now that I got whites on my ass too. Although I have to give credit to white people. I go on the train to work, and they don't bother me. They've got term papers to write, college classes to take, they're working on their masters degree. Yunno, gotta give you guys credit, you're busting your ass to get places. And because of that, you don't waste your time shitting on a black dude haning out on the train. Its just something I notice throughout my life, white people are just too fucking busy to start shit. Black people are NOT. All the time in the world... nothing better to do than shit on another black person. It's like living in hell.

That's why I say I wish I was white, because then, there's no tension. Immediately the military took my words and twisted it to mean "he thinks white people are just sitting back sipping lemonade." but that wasn't what I meant. I mean that, I wouldn't even have to think about race at all. I'd just go wherever I wanted, do whatever I wanted, and not have to think about it.

I went to manhattan to the Hideo Kojima ps3 signing, I'm a New Yorker. I go to the city all the time as a kid. Then I go there just to see the whole party they're having because I love Metal Gear, always have. Suddenly I'm in line and I ask these two asian guys something and they start snickering at me. I wonder what the fuck... then it dawns on me, I'm black. They're racist asians. They ultimately answered my question but wow, even asians fucking hate black people. I guess there's some truth to that, they don't want to turn black either.


Ok, cool. I respect that. Actually, when I was in BMT, they basically made it clear, they don't hate ME, but they don't want their kids fucking someone like me.

I have all the respect in the world for a white person who stands up and makes it abundantly clear that he's just not wanting to turn black one day, instead of the kind who just beat around the bush about it. By all means, express that thought, it's fine. As a black guy, I understand it. Just let it out, say to the world, I want to stay WHITE.

Don't hide it.

Moving ON. I don't even know if I want kids. Especially after this life experience I don't honestly think it would be wise to bring someone else into it. And the outlook for me looks very grim. I do indeed have the kkk on my ass. I'm hated by alot of people, and ultimately I have it 10 times harder to get some pussy than a lot of guys, so it's just crazy man...

 My life has been INTERESTING. Very INTERESTING. I've done a lot of things, been a lot of places, seen a lot of shit. It never stops being a hell of a ride.

You can't say who's life is undeniably worthy of being lived. It's not up to us, blacks won't dissapear. yunno, it's just the hand you're dealt in life and you can't change it. Ultimately it is a hinderance, you rlife will be more complicated than if you were white or asian or hispanic.

I kinda like the fact that I'm hated and despised by people though to some degree. Then there's no possibility of being hated. I'm a thoughful person, I think to myself, why bother with the tension at all, just up and hate away all you want. I can take it. I don't know why exactly, but I can handle being treated like shit by whites. It doesn't really make me feel too bad at all. I don't know why really. I guess it's because I'm a part of this universe whether they like it or not and deep down I know that... It's just that I wish I could really feel included instead of having to worry about how I'm coming off all the time.

Sad to say, but because I can pass for spanish to some degree, I don't get the brunt of the Racism. I think that's what it is. WHen they figure out that I'm black, that's when the racism starts. But It's funny to see a white person or any person treating me like a spanish dude for a little while before they notice I'm a nigger...


career choice

Not really a career choice, more of a personal hobby but potential career. I've always been doing graphic design and shit since I was a kid. Now I'm slowly teaching myself how to use after effects and Sony Vegas.

Thank God the internet is truly a limitless resource for information about how to use this thing. Fuck yes.

I can't begin to image the possibilities with this thing if I figure out all the little ins and outs of it. Same with Java programming. I've written 3 programs so far... Programming I can imagine is quite a lucrative career if you learn how to do it properly....

Fuck if it isn't like trying to figure out a complex math problem. Really burns your brain. Who the fuck invents this shit? No doubt those MIT people...

No big deal. I can and I will get my head around it. It's profoundly dissappointing to merely get a little older and have a gaggle of assholes trying to convince you that you can't EVER improve your intellect or whatever. I'm 27, with no kids. What the FUCK are you talking about? I can only presume those people are just retarded. No, it's just racism.

I get it. Rah rah rah, only whites should do the smart shit.

Anyway, back to being my nerdy urkel self. I KNOW I'm intelligent, always have been. I learn fast, I read fast, I retain things almost instantly with little recall. So yeah US black people exist, sorry...

The question is can I do the advanced level shit... with time, yeah, I probably can. We'll see. I hate the tedium of this crap. But I have the time so we'll make the most of it...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

progress and shit

192.8 pounds at the moment.

Soon to get rid of that and get back to 170 if possible.

I've been waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over weight all these years and didn't know it. It's just silly. I'm going to eat maybe one meal a day from now on till I'm dead. I swear to God. Why? Because we've been brainwashed in this society to eat everything under the sun, and that's done nothing but make us big butter balls.

I'm faster, I'm stronger, I'm feeling younger, all because I'm getting rid of fat. Good lord in heaven if I only knew about this 10 years ago...

oh well, I'll pass the info on to someone else one day and they'll be better off than me that's all...

As for the static shock movie... Got a line from the script already written.

Static says to his friend, "Some things I can do, some things I can't." This line is pivotal as it demonstrates to the audience what being a hero's all about. Sacrifice. Static realizes he's not invincible and that every time he goes out into battle he's risking everything for someone else, but that's what he has to do. In the trailer, after he says "some things I can do." I show him shooting electricity. After "some things I can't, "he gets his ass kicked and he's full of blood."

Then it ends on Static going Berserker Rage and powering up a huge hadouken of lightning.

Kinda like this:

Gonna kick ass.

Friday, October 25, 2013

the struggle

Nothing and I mean nothing is harder than living without food for 30 days. I'm exaggerating yes, but fuck that it's killing me.

I didn't think it was going to be like this. I honest to god want to give up. But I'm not going to... not this time....

Got to keep pushing forward through this shit....

Adobe after effects

Now we're getting somewhere.

Just got After effects. And now I know how to put lightning fx into my static shock video.

This SHIT just got real, guys.

I'm very excited about putting together a Static Shock Trailer utilizing some of the fx in this shit.

As for why I'm making this shit? I love static wouldn't mind starring as him in a major motion picture but that ain't going to happen. Gotta get this shit done while I still look the way I do. Fuckig life, why oh why do we have to get older...

194.4 pounds

Life is good. I have to say, life is good. Learning to lose weight is the best thing I've EVER done my whole life. I feel younger, stronger, don't even want to jerk off as badly. I think I was jacking off so much because I was compensating for how bad I felt being overweight. Now that the weight is gone, I'm feel almost like a kid again... what does that mean? Kids just hang out in the world without feeling any angst about things or whatever, they're just chillin. I'm getting that back little by little.

This is day 2 of the water fast. This is the hardest day. The way it works is that your body has to get accustomed to the lack of food and it's going to hurt for a little while before your body gets used to it and you don't get that "omg I'm starving" feeling...

After that, you don't feel any desire to eat.

I remember the first day I did this, my brain was craving oral stimulation because it's used to it. Every day I get up and go eat, right, so my brain thinks its going to get that sensation. Nope. So I kept thinking about chewing and eating for hours... because that's what my brain was expecting... it sucked. You want to concentrate on playing the piano. You want to maybe watch a movie, but all your thinking about is chewing something....

Nevermind that. Going to get fucking SLIM. I estimate I've got 30 pounds to lose. Max out at 160 pounds and then that'll be the end of it.

I'll never again understand why anyone is overweight in this world. It's just so fucking simple to knock pounds off your body, takes no fucking effort whatsoever but alas, people are stupid.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Static shock test shots

took some shots to test how I'd look as Static...

Not bad, not bad. I'm going to get even THINNER than this in about a month's time.

then it's on, baby, GO TIME. You'll see. Can't wait to figure out how to film this shit.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Going to quit food COLD TURKEY tomorrow...

I'm going to lose all the fat on my body in preparation for the Static Shock movie.

It's going to be hard, even torturous. But I think i'm supposed to do this. It makes sense. It's like ok, I'm born, I'm an avid comic reader and cartoon viewer, I learn to draw, I get into the static shock cartoon when it first airs and now I've discovered how to shed all the fat off my body so I can hopefully pass myself off as a young static on film.

I wish this was a major studio production and not some bullshit fanboy movie. Honest to GOD I feel like I belong in fucking hollywood making movies and acting. But forget it. I'm not going to get into the goddamn web of shit that black actors have to deal with, so I'm never going to persue that as a career though I probably could. I've met actual actors working at TSA. They're regular people, but with money. I saw Justin Chatwin at Laguardia Airport eating. I was just walking down the hall and I saw this funny looking white guy. I said, "NO FUCKING WAY IS THAT HIM." But no, he's got chatwin's big ears and that baby face. It was him. I was going to go up to him and be all in his shit but I didn't want to spook the shit out of him. I've met Hayden Panatierre. It's funny to have met an actress and see her plastered all over gossip sites constantly afterward. You feel like, "how could they treat her like that, she's just a person..." but whatever...

hmmm, anyway. Going to shed the weight, and get to work filming this bitch. I'll do it all on my cell phone, edit it, and put it up.

Should be done by December, right around christmas. Stay tuned...

Billy Crystal

Wanted to show you all this. This man is my idol. Grew up watching his movies and admiring him generally as a person. I'm who I am I think because of him. It was City Slickers that really ignited my interest in films as a medium through which one can escape reality and go on grand adventures. I remember it well. I was maybe 8 or 9 and the movie was on, and I was totally entranced by it. I immediately started wearing mets hats after that to be more like him. I think we're the same except he's white and I'm not, but whatever. I like how he's always looking on the bright side of things, like spiderman.

Watching the movie now as an old man, notice shit that I didn't before. Wow he full on fucks his wife in the movie. Didn't notice that before... Goddamn, there it is. He just slams her in there. Very nice. I'm noticing this stuff more and more now, a lot of movies I used to watch and think little of as a kid, are FULL of sexual content. Hell, all star wars is about is a dick shooting semen into a vagina. Really think about it and that's what you'll get...

Wow, life is a trip, boy... you go along thinking things are one way, then you're just fucking flying wrong in the end.

Well anyway, I'm getting into health and fitness because I'm fat and I want to slim down and look sexy for the white girls out there. I notice that in Slickers Crystal is in shape. Low body fat, he almost looks like a 20something in a lot of shots. It's remarkable what keeping in shape can do. Look at the dude in the film. He's a picture of staying healthy around middle age. If I have it my way, I'll look like that by 40 and people will think I'm hell of a lot younger. My question is how'd he do it.... salads, ketogenic diet. He must have known how to slim down. Makes me hopeful for hamill in Star Wars 7.

If he goes on a ketogenic diet or even harder core, water only diet for several months, he'll slim down to look decent enough to play Luke one last time. It's going to be crazy hard, but if you're gonna go out in life, go out with a BANG in my opinion.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


gotta start all over...

No big deal. I just had some cheese and turkey to recouperate after jacking off today. Shit worked real fast, i could feel the protein go straight to my brain so it was really thirsty for the stuff.

I don't know if it's wise to cut out protein from the diet.

But here's the plan, guys. I want to go as long as possible on water only because I think that when I do get a job somewhere, I can probably skip lunch and shit. Yeah. not have to eat means I save money....

Just wish tsa or cbp would call for the love of god. I hope they will. I'm the right age for cbp and I'm at 198 pounds right now. Going to go even further BEYOND and get down to fucking 170 pounds sooner or later.

I love how I just lose some fat and suddenly I look like I did back as a kid. It's amazing. I've got a baby face. I'm 27 yeah, but you couldn't tell. especially now. and it's going to get even better, going to really go for GOLD here and slim down EVERY single ounce of fat I got...

Then I can start filming my static shock movie. FUCK YEAH i'm back baby. It's good to BE BACK!!!

Day 2 on the water diet

It's an endless undying struggle to cope with this thing, but I'm getting there day by day...

shit's a bit hard to do because well, I jacked off 2 times today and what that does is it makes my head feel drained of protein. Usually I get something to eat like a hamburger or chicken and the protein is put back into the brain and we're all good, but it's not to be so today. I'm going to soldier up and press through these next 28 days on water only so that I completely clean out my system and reset everything.

Why? because I believe in doing things optimally. You don't know how great it is and how light and younger I feel just by no longer having that 26 pounds of fat.

26 pounds! You know how heavy that shit is? And it's gone. I've probably got 26 more to lose....

This makes me so fucking happy. While working at tsa, I coulding figure out for the life of me how to shed the pounds I was consitantly gaining while working there. Thing about being a TSO is that you've got MONEY so you think to yourself, well ok I'll hit up wendy's and get something to eat after work or fucking little ceasers pizza. And you get fat son...

But now... I'm doing it. I'm getting stronger every day. Hell I think I may even become a GOD if this actually works out. You darn tootin. A FUCKING GOD.

I've always wanted to be invincible. Imagine it. Ok, you lose tones of weight, and it completely optimizes your biological systems to their MAX. Then everything works better, your brain, your sex drive, EVERYTHING.

I think I can do it, I THINK I CAN BECOME A GOD. But I'll use my power for good, like a jedi.

Monday, October 21, 2013

I like being me

It's great.  One day I will be dead. Yep, not going to sugar coat it. You will too. You may read this blog and say,. well this guy's such a dumbass lol, we're better than him. But no, fucked up thing about life is that we're all going to fucking die in the end.

Nothing we can do about it either.

It should be pretty painless from my estimations on how death goes, whatever....

I've seen it. It's so fucking painless unless you die mad painfully. Natural death is like, very simple thing. You experience this slow down of all your life functions and you die. Yep, like going to sleep. Nothing spectacular about it.

Still despite my realizing that i'm going to fucking die one day, I LIKE being me.

I dunno, I always have for some reason. Never had any problems being me, I guess it's because I'm intelligent rather than the throngs of idiots all around...

But no, the primary reason I like being me is that I have this vision. There's things I believe are possible for human beings to accomplish through sheer will power. The time machine... this static shock movie... and of course I'm trying struggling to lose weight to get back my old skinny body I used to have.

Such a shame really. I was very fucking thin as a child yunno. then suddenly i hit my 20s and I start to get fat. I think, oh well, that's aging for ya. But no. My natural body state is thin, always has been. I've been the one fucking up my body, nothing else. Goddamn is it good to be back. You darn tootin, I'm over the moon by this new lease on life.

Fuck though, I don't know.... hard to say what to do with my life, hard to say. Just glad I can get rid of this fat ass.

Progress with water diet.

Gotta say I'm more happy now about living these days because of what I've discovered. Why does it take all this time to discover proper diet and nutrition i'll never know...

But nonetheless it's liberating. I've successfully gotten through day 1 of the water detox. Plan to go 29 more days. It's going to be hell on earth, a true test of my mettle... can I do it? heh, we'll see.

You just feel so empty when you don't eat. You live, but like a zombie, and it's hard to say to yourself, well whatever. because there's food everywhere, what's one little bite...

Gotta make it. I'm like superman lifting the island in returns. Gotta fucking lift this shit!!! gotta!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

feeling my titties

I'm feeling up my chest fat now and I hate it. I want to get rid of it, so I'm going to go back on the water diet for a goddamn month.

By the time tsa or Cbp calls I'll be totally in shape for the job instead of last time where I was fucking nothing but a blob of fat...

yeah baby yeah.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Remembering my childhood...

I have to say something on this. It's remarkable to me to look back on the whimsical and almost magical time period that was the 90s. I DO miss it tremendously, mostly because I didn't have a gaggle of KKK knuckleheads chasing me down everywhere I go. You think I'm some kind of threat to white people or something? I don't think I am honestly, but they know better than me about that shit. "white preparedness and all."

Let's get something straight. I'm an artist. I don't give a fuck about politics. I don't give a damn about proving one race is better than the other. I've ALWAYS been in a serious passion for art, good art, complex, meaningful, powerful art.

And I think a lot of people are, regardless of race.

Am I a pussy for not wanting to get into the race wars continuing today? Am I too scared of big muscular white guys to hit the gym and study hard and compete with them? No, I'm crazy enough to try really, but I have other things I want to do...

Like, it's an odd thing to have experienced such a golden era in art animation, sports, and music that was the 90s as a child, then sadly life seems to have deflated and we're in this strange down period...

Maybe people notice it, or not, what do I know... but I remember sitting back relaxing and being blasted with AMAZING movies, cartoons, and shit during the old days. Now it's all fucking gone with the wind.

I can only guess the people who made that stuff are just older, retired etc. It's crazy, it's like a light bulb's been switched off and life just fucking sucks now, it's nuts...

I'm still who I am despite it all. I've always been a nerdy geek with a smart mouth who's lanky and shit. Basically Urkel.

I don't mind that comparison. Urkel's the man in my eyes and I always looked up to him.

I think the tipping point for everything was Superman Returns. After that debacle, I personally felt dirty, I think everybody did. There we had a GREAT piece of film making right before our eyes, and it got fumbled around like a football by a bunch of internet psychopaths. After that, I personally stopped feeling good about myself and about the movie world that I believed in so deeply. How could people spend so much time trying to shit on a movie like that? I went to Lotr as a teen, enjoyed the shit out of that movie, then took the bus home and moved on with life... no such luck with superman. I got people wanting to fucking kill me over that movie. Darn tootin... you certainly don't think to yourself as a kid, well yannno one day I'm going to get embroiled in a fucked up mess of a war over superman's boot size and someone will wish me death because of it. But no, there are people in this world who will pull out a gun and shoot you because you said you liked a movie they didn't...

Never discussing movies online EVER again...

They want to make something of it apparently, but I'm not buying it. I come from TOUGH times. You might get teased, harrassed, bullied, whatever LIFE GOES FUCKING ON. I can't believe how paper thin people's egos have become these days, they can't handle SHIT anymore. Yeah life's not perfect, and maybe you won't have everything great before you die. THAT'S THE WAY IT GOES.

I don't understand this whole ideology people have these days that they can live life without getting hurt or having to feel bad some times.

I learned to cope with that WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in grade school. You accept that life is going to be pretty shitty for the most part. Shrugs, enjoy those moments that are good and that's all you can do.

Goddamn have we become soft these days. You may notice I'm BUILT and I'm extremely athletic, it's because I HAD TO. This place I come from, you have to be tough to survive. Yeah I feel bad about pussying out on reading a post in a thread, but I"ve been through WORSE in my life so NO it doesn't completely encompass my entire life and I will forget about it and move on.

A dude shouldn't have to deal with crazy amounts of real world stuff before he gets a goddamn girlfriend anyway. Now i have to live with being told my kids will hate me or some shit. I don't even know anything about having kids you asshole. I'm just a young fucking man. You're in your 30s, you've watched your wife give birth, and now you're such tough shit you're going to shit on someone younger and less experienced in life than you. GO FUCK YOURSELF, thanks.

That's the problem I've always had. At 16 I went to to talk star wars. I had fun, it was my first experience with the world of internet stuff. Little did I know you've got people who are just insane sitting at their computers and I got what I got at that age. Now I know not to care about the internet anymore. I don't. You don't personally know anybody online, you didn't grow up with them, hell, they don't care about you either... why should anybody give a damn that much about someone a gazillion miles away behind their pc, I don't know...

That's the joke, and I had to learn it the hard way, the internet's not your friend. It used to be a safe haven from reality, now it's become the catalyst for an even worse nightmare where the twain have met and generally people in life are using online shinanigans as a reason to belittle me or whatever. I think to myself, "who the hell am I that I deserve all this shit..." but there ya go. I can only guess that's how the world works, ANYTHING you do to piss off anybody they'll follow you to the end of the earth and never let it go. Live and learn...

Ah, they'll get over it. I don't believe in this whole, "we're up your ass." attitude, I really don't. I got things I want to do. Maybe you'll sit around all day being a douche, but um, I'm going to grab some titties and shit.



I just ate a hamburger and stuff...

I think to myself, what's wrong with eating a little protein now and again. I'm under 200 pounds, I've accomplished my goal already. I can eat now.

BUT NO. I have to stay on this water fast for 30 days.....

I'm telling you guys to do it too. It's going to completely refresh your body so you feel younger and stronger.

I like that feeling. I've always been very lean, light on my feet, and physical. So to reach your late 20s and have your body feel like a big blob of shit, doesn't feel good at all. Lucky for me, I'm not much for accepting things. I like to fight.

So I'm going to struggle, HARD, here.

It will be very difficult to stick to water only. The problem is that I have NOTHING to do all day. I wake up, look at a beautiful picture of Gia Lashay with her soft sexy gummie bear titties and ass and I struggle to not jack off.

Then I just basically walk around and do nothing, shower... on and on.

I know that if I had my job at tsa, I'd be able to hack this water diet because when you're there you're busy quite a bit, you can't go get shit to eat much.

I got to do this thing, yo. It's not for nothing, it's for everything. It's my redemption.

But it's hard. I wish I was stronger than I am...

Friday, October 18, 2013

my sacrifice

Going to water diet for fucking at least a month.

Going to cleanse the body completely and rid it of all the crap that I've done to it through ignorance.

I honestly can't believe I've been living life half way all these years.

Everyone,and I mean EVERYONE should get clued in on how to drop weight and clean out their system.

I just fucking ran around my old high school today at 200 pounds and didn't get tired at all.

Soon I'll get rid of all this flab and be able to get back into gymnastics like I used to do as a kid.

More to the point, i'm going be able to film my Static Shock movie and maybe even get some white girl pussy...

we'll see.

It's going to be tough as fuck to stay on this water diet. I know I tried going for a week before and then gave up because you get insanely hungry...

but not this time. I'm going to beat this thing... I MUST.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

static shock film ramblings

One key scene I want to get right is when static is fighting a big guy. He says the line "The weak get weaker and the STRONG get STRONGER!" as he pummels static and breaks him like bane breaks batman. After this static flees the battle. Lands hard on a peer and then limps his way home, broken, defeated. It's then that he realizes he's not taking heroism seriously enough and we go through a rocky montage of him getting beefed up and ready for round 2.

I want to have my body be all scrawny at first, then later in the film I get fucking ripped to shreds... yeah baby...

alrighty then

 moving on. Going to go back on the water only diet for a while, continue to get my body prepared for the Static Shock movie.

What can be said about creating this thing. I don't know really... how can a black guy sell a comic book character and movie to a majority white audience.

I don't really care myself. I just like good movies, don't give a damn about the racial side of things.

It'll be new and different, that's the thing. How many movies are coming out now about white people going up against incredible odds.

NOBODY is making black movies these days, SQUAT SHIT is being made featuring black people in any major capacity.

It's kinda sad, black president, yet there's like still a majority white thing going on. I understand it too, really the reason for it is because white people are good looking and hollywood is all about looks in the end. I notice it... there really has never been MAJOR break out black stars in hollywood, EVER. They've always been hollywood shuffle type niggas all in the background and shit. Makes no sense. There are very smart fucking black people in this world who could be right up front doing movies too, but apparently not going to happen.

It's a shitty situation to end up falling into in life I must say. I honestly NEVER saw that my race was going to be a factor at all in life as I got older, but no. It's the only factor. I have to prove I'm not just an ordinary fucktard black guy to get any kind of respect, or ultimately and worst of all, some white people just don't give a damn about me at all and actually wouldn't mind it if I dropped off the face of the earth...

heh, don't know what to think about that really... Im here, I'm just watching porn and trying to lose weight, nothing special. Don't know what the big deal is about me at all...

Fact is, there isn't. I ALWAYS knew deep down I was just going to be an ordinary person doing NOTHING. But because I'm black, I've got a spotlight on me all day. That's the sucky part. Yeah, I do want to be left alone. I've lived my whole life being content with sitting down and reading a book or drawing, or watching tv and movies, now I'm supposed to be worried about getting cappped in the street or something? come on...

ugh, life...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

198.4 pounds

and it keeps dropping every day.

we'll get to the maximum weight soon enough. very good.

I gotta say, life has its ups and downs, but it appears to me that my life is turning for the better these days as I constantly improve and lose weight.

Still feel too heavy ya know... I always wondered how dudes get ripped up and muscular and have like zero body fat. Now I know how to do it myself and soon I'll be fucking CUT, son. Gonna go to the beach and make every white girl's nipples hard. You'll see.

fuck, what do I know about fucking. Nothing, sure wish I did though...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Static Shock movie plan...

Ok, well I'm going to actually make this thing and put it up on my youtube page in the future. At least after I get my job back at TSA I'll have the money to get it done.

This is show time baby, got to bring the goods here... yeah...


I love movies, love cool visuals, interesting stories, jokes, all that shit. AND TITTIES.

Would love to cast some big tittied girls and put them in my movie, if possible. I don't know where to begin with that shit though.

Here's the plan:

1.  Going to draw all the sketches and crap for it, like how he looks, the environments, and the villains.
2. Write the script. I fucking hate writing, but whatever. I don't know exactly how this will turn out honestly because I think the best acting is improv myself. Why? The whole point of acting, right is to convince the audience that what they're seeing is real right... so when it actually IS real, there's no denying it in the end.
3.Make it epic. Thats the joke, I'm going to use a lot of slow motion and epic visuals even though its kind of a small independent film. I just hope to catch people off guard. Yunno, they'll think it's a little quiet movie, and then it'll go BOOOOM and have giant epic shit happening... yeeeeeeeeeeah.
4.What else.... shit, I don't know. But I can't believe it's finally coming together like this. I always thought I'd be the one to make a static shock live action film, and now that I know how to get in shape, I can finally get it done. Wish I was younger though... fucking 27.

Only 3 years till 30, my hair's already starting to recede and crap. wtf. No matter. Going to slim down a bunch and get this fucking film made before I get too old for it.

It's going to be my masterpiece....

the plan man

I'm at 202.4 pounds right now.

This is a dream come true for me. Life is so retarded. We could all be in great shape and maximize our quality of life, yet apparently we're content with living a half-life while people who know better simply take the measures to keep in great shape throughout their life span.

If I knew about this shit way back in 2005, I'd have finished fucking college. Half the reason I dropped out was because of my piss poor health. Why the fuck did I have to go to the military to learn about proper nutrition and fitness? You serious? Is this not something we should be teaching in schools. It's all politics unfortunately. If you stand up and say, everyone should ya know, eat right and live long and prosper, someone will counter your argument and back and forth it goes.

Good for them... It's like that whole fat acceptance thing... Might as well call it unhealthy acceptance imo. Oh well, not my problem. If you want to have cakes and pies and candy and clog every artery you got, go right ahead. In fact, that's what america's all about. You can be who YOU want to be here. You can go to the gym everyday and get pumped up. Or you can go to fucking mcdonalds every day and kill yourself with food. Nobody will stop you.

Goddamn, finished my e86 for the TSA hiring process. Now it's on to the airport assessment. Not going to lie and say I have a perfect record. I got written up, shrugs, don't give a fuck. It's a meaningless little pithy thing aside much grander concerns I personally have.

I belong in the TSA honestly. Let me just make it abundantly clear who I am. I've been the nerd in school all my life. I LIKE studying and improving my intellect. My father was an airman in the FUCKING MILITARY. HE HAS KILLED PEOPLE. I am his offspring. We're both warriors.

Ok, so I belong in the TSA goddamnit. That place was like heaven to me, because I got paid well, and I was just amongst very dignified group of educated NERDS like myself. I played chess with my boss every so often if that tells you all anything...

Anyway, once I reach 200 pounds, I'm not going to stress the exercise and shit as much... and just coast to my max weight under ketosis state. See you on the flip side.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Miley Cyrus

Very interesting. Apparently she's got a thing for black guys... I'm learning more and more about white people as I go along in life. Honestly never thought of myself as being different from white people as a kid, but as an adult, there's no denying it. They look at me as some kind of goddamn thing from outer space. Particularly because I look very different than ordinary.

I've met a guy working at delta airlines who was obsessed with black girls, and he's white. He intends to get a black girl pregnant.

I'm thinking "why?"

Apparently Miley has the same issue.

Mind you, that's the way it goes. You white guys out there in the kkk may not like it, but there's gay white people, and there's white people who are sexually attracted only to black people in this world.

Never thought I'd see that coming.... but there ya go. Yep, they can't get aroused by their own fucking race. I'm guessing Miley is in this same boat.

But it's beyond, nay, above and beyond problematic to decide to become black.  Or as in Rashida Jone's case "fucking ambiguous as fuck"

I guess that's not so bad. When a white person fucks a black person, the babies come out not rrrrrrrrrrreaaally looking black, so it's not soooooooooooo bad....

Vin diesel muthafucka...

Heh, who gives a shit, right... I mean, damn, it's funny world isn't it... do what you feel is right.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

never having kids

I do want to fuck some day though.

But let me be absolutely clear about who I am, I am something 'else', and I make no apologies for that. If you've been following my stuff you can see what I can do, all the kinds of special little powers I have. 

I can do a lot more than that.

Yeah I guess its because I was built and designed as a tool of the government and shit, but whatever. that's immaterial.

It's essential that I stay who I am for the remainder of my life until my eventual demise. I MUST remain unburdened by children.

It's the only way I can create the things I want to create... you'll see.

Alright here it is: How to lose weight

I'm going to lay it all out here for anyone interested. I see fat people all around and it makes no sense to me. You could live life so much better than that.

How to initialize the ketosis state:

The key thing to do is remove sugar and carbs from your diet. In fact, I dare say remove everything from your diet. Yep, don't eat a damn thing... For at least 2 or 3 days. Continue to drink water though because you'll die if you don't.

Then when your in ketosis, stick to low carb foods. Primarily protein, meats, and veggies like broccoli.

Ok so now your body is burning fat for fuel, good stuff.

Next, drink water. Loads of it...

Body can't burn fat without being properly hydrated. Learned this the hard way, decided to stop drinking a lot of water for a while and my piss got extremely yellow because I was dehydrated and I noticed I stopped dropping weight as fast as I did before.

So water is the key to losing weight.

Voila, that's the whole thing. That's all you have to do and you'll be thin like that Snooki girl who probably used the same method to lose weight.

I hope this helps anyone like me who was struggling with how to shed pounds. It is NOT like its done in the rocky movies. In fact, all that shit he does in those movies is WRONG. You won't lose weight by climbing a goddamn mountain and shit, not in the least. Love stallone, but he's fucked up a whole generation of kids with those movies, making them think they'll get ripped by murdering themselves in the gym. There's only one way to slim down and its through proper diet. None of that huffing and puffing like a mad man during the training montage bullshit he put out there...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

trying to make sense of things

I just jacked off to some ass 2 times.

Gets me thinking. Not that I care that much, but yeah, it's pretty damn dissappointing isn't it... that basically all "adulthood" is is being horny 24/7?

What's all the shit they put us through in childhood for if all we're going to become is horny animals in the end?

It's like, damn... so it doesn't matter who's good, who's bad. all that matters is if you get some ass. Girls especially apparently don't have much problem getting fucked by some retard.

I can't believe that shit....

I've met some right fucking idiots in my life so far and no way could they be the ones pounding ass left and right and I'm not.

You may want to point a finger at me and say I'll be a bad parent one day, but boy if you grew up with the fuckers I did, you'd have a better opinion of me, that's for sure.

The guy I'm remembering is this asshole from 8th grade. No doubt he's getting all kinds of pussy these days. Wondering to myself whether that's right really...

That the bullies get all the ass and the nerds like me get to watch them get all the ass...

shit, that isn't right. Particularly because that's not what I was seeing on tv and movies. Everything was about how the nerds got the girl because they were good men. So I believed in that message. Made sense. You be a real honest traditional male, you get the pussy.

Not anymore...

I know the world's a cruel and terrible place and people these days are a lot less disciplined and conservative as they used to be... but FUCK, if there hasn't been some complete loss of class in this world today or what...

Yeah even i have to say that's kinda ridiculous.

I'm not about people being tight butt conformists, not at all, but the old days were different than today. You couldn't do tons of anal porn then jump into a movie career alongside regular actors. But no, we have that shit going on.

Why's there so many white girls getting slammed in their ass by black guys these days? Didn't we used to have entire tv shows like dawson's creek dedicated to the difficulty with which a white guy has to try to fuck a white girl? Now apparently, no, it's not hard at all. White girls have no shame anymore....

shit... in short. I'm just really noticing the strange reversal of ideologies as I've gone along through life and seen things one way, and now all that shits been tossed out the window, life's one big FUCK PARTY yall, forget all about being dignified and intelligent.


201.4 pounds

almost there... very good stuff weight loss. I hope maybe that I've educated someone about how to do it. It's really easy. Such a shame we live in an obese nation, when all it takes is saying no to a big ass soda or lowering carbs...

I'm in better shape now than I was in high school unbelievably. I used to suck my cheeks in back then because I wanted to look like the terminator but now I just look that way all the time because I lost fat in my face. Goddamn..

I've been rigorously working out to reach 200 pounds so far. Once I get there, I'll coast and just get to my max weight on ketosis.

I may be old as fuck now but I still can live life the way I want to live it. I honestly never thought I'd be able to decide my fate like this, but yeah. I can slim down if I want to...

Friday, October 11, 2013

burning fat is hard

Getting tired of this really. I'm going to do what I can. I just ran around my old high school. I did 30 pushups. Now I'm going to lift these fucking weights.

I'm currently at 202.6 pounds.

On one hand I'm very excited about having discovered how to finally drop pounds. On the other, I still can't quit jacking off.

People say, well there's a simple solution to that, stick your dick in a bitch instead. YOU DON'T THINK I WANT THAT SHIT?

I hate this bullshit. I can't just live, I have to be surrounded by tantilizing titties and ass every fucking day, such bullshit.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ben Affleck as Batman

Time to submit my thoughts on this casting choice since I'm a big bat fan. hmmmm... damn, thats crazy. It's like the captain america casting which they got wrong of course. No way Evans evokes the majestic quality of Cap at all. He tries but he doesn't have it. Cap's a pillar of justice, a true american hero. He embodies the very ideals that America's supposed to stand for.

Nor do I think Affleck can really portray batman either.

This just seems silly to me.

Why are they bothering with him as Batman when there are better actors who can do the role right and not bring the baggage of already playing a superhero with them?

wtf is dis bullshit... i dunno...

Return of the TSO

GOddamn, took the test again for TSA, passed, again... it was like I expected, boring, tedious. Been there done that. Just wanted to break the keyboard and monitor the whole time...

Moving on. So I've accepted offer for employment. GOT TO GET THIS FUCKING JOB. I swear to GOD I will not mess it up this time if I get it. It'd be great because I'd have my foot back in the door and by the time CBP calls, I'll be already a DHS employee...

It's about to get real yall.


I mean really. The thing I'm thinking about most right now is how much bullshit I'm about to take going back to TSA, but I honestly LOVED working there. It was good money, it was classy people, I was constantly having a fun experience. I got to get back in, I don't care what airport it is.

Then I'm going to go after my pilot license and go back to university. Yup. Only way to make it to Pilot level is unfortunately to have a 4 year college degree, FUCK. I know... but I asked the delta pilots what they did, and they all said that's the only real route. I don't care about fucking college, no, but shit, I got to get my wings, only thing in this world that's any fucking good imo. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Becoming a True Jedi

I believe in the Jedi religion. I've studied star wars all my life, the philosophy, the depth in which one must devote himself to the discipline of being a Jedi. How you have to have true faith in the Force etc.

So yeah, I'm of the opinion that I am a Jedi or an aspiring one.

What does that mean? I devote myself to using my power only for defense, not attack. I defend people, be a hero.

I avoid the dark side as much as possible.

And ultimately not get a girlfriend.

It's funny. I'm at work and I tell a guy I have no intention of having children. The dude's being an ass and is all like "good" ha ha haha lol, but no I don't want kids because I'm a Jedi and a Jedi can't have children.

It's a hard life. I'm training my body every day to develop my Jedi powers to their peak. I have a few special moves that I can do. I can do a front flip when I call upon the force to give me strength. I can sort of predict the future based on a kind of special sense of things etc. What else... I can do the Jedi super run too where I can quickly sprint across a short distance. And when playing basketball, if I reeeeally use the force, I can make anything happen on the court. But its all about having that faith man...

You may not believe what I believe but I am a Jedi, there's no changing that.

oh yeah baby

guess what I figured out. I like gummie bears ok, love it, but I'm on a strict diet of no carbs and sugars. so what I do is I go get those vitamin gummie bears from rite aid. It's awesome. I don't know why they don't just make regular fruit snacks like this. It taste the same as a regular gummie bear but it's good for you. wtf.

204 pounds and counting

Amazing, simply amazing.

If I only knew about this back in my high school days. God Fucking Damn.

Taking this supplement called Ripped Fuel. Been Pissing out fat all day because of it. It's done a great job of speeding up the fat burning process by somehow forcing the body into a high metabolic state and it's just blazing away fat to keep the energy level up. I'll hit my target of 200 pounds in no time.

All this weight loss has really made me motivated to get a lot of my goals and projects accomplished.

I mean I go outside and run a little bit just like I did as a kid, ya know how you can run like a little sonic the hedgehog as a kid because you weigh maybe 30 pounds, that's what I'm talking about. I was just gunning it and it was AWESOME.

I feel like Peter Pan in that movie Hook, ya know how all of a sudden he gets thin and sexy and starts flying all over the place all happy and shit, that's what I'm talking about. Now I know how white guys feel after they figure out how to shed pounds and get ripped by the time they hit their 30s. Shit's crazy in this world. Even white guys are ignorant of good nutrition and fitness until they finally wake up to it as they near middle age. I don't understand that. I thought all white people were in the KKK and had all the good stuff, but it's not true. Yah most of them are, but you'll meet several who are not and oddly enough have lived their lives under a rock and never knew about nor cared about being part of any white supremacy movement. Mostly white people from germany or wherever who grew up living in reality, heh, and not kkk dreamland.

As for my projects.My biggest project is of course the Time Machine I've dreamed of building since I was a boy. Other than that. I have a lot of things in mind such as solar powered devices like led lights in glasses with a solar panel attached. No one's made that yet. It's stupid how they make tons of things these days with led lights in them like little girls jewlery shoes but theres no little solar panel on the shoe to provide infinite power to it? Stupid.

What else... automatic breakfast machine would be awesome if I could really build that. Going to finish my bike I'm building.

I want to complete the Ronda series, then after that's done get on over to my Raven series which is going to be fantastic.

I have a lot on my plate. Ronda thing is going to be big, once that's over. I'm hoping to actually learn Maya and recreate the whole thing in 3d animation. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Going back to TSA

I'm currently trying to get my job back at TSA.

Will I get back in? I hope so. People have been suspended and they still bring them back. I got one mark on my record, otherwise I'm good to go. Lots of guys actually working for TSA have some blemishes on their record so I'm not too worried about getting my job back. The thing that's worrying me is having to go through their training all over again. It's brutal. Not military level, no, but they put you through a shit load of boring stuff and fucked up thing is I already know all of it so it's just going to be tedious to redo it all. But whatever. Best job I ever decided to leave behind like a dumbass. It's honest to god like being in the airforce branch of the military. Everyone working there is intelligent, classy, and you even have people working there who are relatives of celebrities. I fit right in because of my personality. But I was too green for it honestly. Need to get some pussy first before taking on that job again.

Nevermind the pussy yall.

I want to fucking huge paycheck I got back... that's all.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ketogenic Diet

Live and learn damn.... figured it all out, how to lose weight and keep the body healthy at the same time. It's called ketosis. It's when you eat nothing but protein or anything low in carbohydrates and then your body has no choice but to use your fat for energy.

I'll be damned. This is great cuz I don't mind being on the water diet but yeh you get so hungry it's ridiculous.

I got the whole thing planned, motherfuckers. Going to eat nothing, NOTHING, but 2 pieces of chicken every day, that's it.

Gonna look like Ryu from Street Fighter, bitch.

That's all I ever wanted in life was to get jacked like ryu and now I know how.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pain and Gain

Gonna try water dieting again, see how that works. I figure it'll help tremendously in the long run, cleanse out the body, lose weight. lot of articles say its unhealthy, but whatever. A long as I get lean, that's all that matters.

getting tired of waiting for cbp to email me but from my extensive research it appears they don't just send the TSL letter right away, it may take several months...

What a drag.

I just gotta keep pressing forward here.

It looks bad. I haven't dropped as much weight as I hoped. I still am waiting for that TSL letter.

But the other side of the fence is going to be glorious. I'll be in great shape. And on my way to a great career as a CBP Officer, getting respect from people, not like TSA. Learning Spanish, all my dreams come true baby.

All in time...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Lucas problem

Life is good. I WILL lose this weight and be in shape for the cbp fitness tests when that comes around. I got a call from work force inquiring about my current employment status. I tell them I'm trying to get a job back in the federal government, that's all. They say they have openings at TSA still. I'm thinking, wouldn't mind jumping back in there. If I knew how to lose weight I would have stayed at my job there because I feel so much better about life now that I know how to get rid of fat. This is the key to success in life, more than college or whatever. I see fat college grads, in fact a lot of people go through that shit, come out just as stupid as they were before, but boy do they know everything about pulling a computer apart and putting it back together, good for them.

On to the topic of today. I want to get into the reasons why Lucas and Spielberg made Indiana Jones 4, a movie that makes both of them look like completely incompetent fools.

Harsh words, yes, but they deserve it.

These are Legends in cinema. And apparently they're not smart enough to know that when men reach a certain age they experience the Mid-life crisis. They know that they have to let go of their former glory and leave it behind and prepare themselves for their inevitable deaths. But no. Like little kids wanting ice cream, they gave in to their temptation to see another Indy adventure, and they ruined a once classic, well regarded franchise with a flat lifeless pile of garbage that will be laughed at for all time to come.

I'm a forgiving movie viewer, always have been. I generally like to watch anything that's not utterly insulting like batman and robin... So that side of me, that imaginative side of me that's able to just be like a kid and just say whatever the fuck and just enjoy a movie for what it is, TRIED so hard to like Indy 4. It's like this... ya watch a movie like Jurassic park 3 which I did as a mega super duper jurassic park fan, yeah it's a shitty sequel, but I rolled with it back then. I was just happy to have another Jurassic park movie to sit and watch with Dr. Grant and stuff. The movie's awful, makes no fucking sense at all especially after what happened in Jurassic park 2 which Dr. Grant must have heard about. There's NOTHING new about it, which is the worst part. It's literally a rehash of JP2 upside down and sideways. What a waste of time and money for all involved.

So here we have a similar issue with Indy 4. Will a kid carez about it being a bad sequel or just be happy to have another JP to sit and enjoy on a lazy sunday? NO. I watched EVERYTHING under the sun as a kid. Every Rocky, Every Superman, Every Indy, Every Batman, Every Police Academy, Every disney movie, whatever. I watched it and just got lost in the magical world of film, period. I can definitely see a kid watching Indy 4 and not feeling too offended by it.

But I am.

Maybe I'm too old now and know too much about why it got made. Simple reason too... Spielberg and Lucas are old men struggling to recapture their youth. They don't want to let it go, that feeling of invincibility they had back in the good ol days. But what a way to show the world you still got it in your golden years guys... Good lord.

On top of that is the Harrison Ford factor. Wtf is he, like 60 something now. Yeah, just don't. Don't show Indy as an old man jumping around with the fadora and jacket and whip with his sidekick shia. Just don't.

If there's anything that signified the final nail in the coffin for my childhood it was the fumbling of Indiana Jones. That truly woke me up to reality, that my heros and my beliefs are a sham, the world as I knew it was a lie... that kind of thing.

Time to grow up and become a grumpy old man who hates everyone.

And the ultimate joke of it all? We're STILL sitting around in this world with a mediocre last Indiana Jones film and Lucas and Spielberg are thinking to themselves about making a last one that will TRULY bring it and send it off on a high note. DON'T. I beg you guys, don't.

And they STILL haven't learned their lesson. We're going to get new Star Wars movies now to further bury the franchise deeper into the ground if it hasn't been buried enough already...

It's funny too. We've been down this road before. I decided to watch EVERYTHING star trek some years back. Watch the whole original series, watched all the movies. We've seen this before when actors begin to age and the studios decide to make the most of it before they get too old. Well it sucked back then too. What the hell makes them think it'll work out this time? Old Captain Kirk looked fucking ridiculous as the series went on past wrath of khan.

I'm just saying, these guys got to learn to let go of the past imo and stop thinking they can do no wrong.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I'm going to direct, star in, and write a Static Shock fan film... I'll use this blog to keep anyone interested posted on my progress...

A little background info:

I grew up watching Static. And of course I look just like him. So I always thought it'd be cool if I was chosen for a live action version some day. Problem is, life has a way of taking roads you never intended and shit, so of course here I stand today no where close to getting that opportunity of starring as Static in a live action adaptation.

So I'll do it myself.

It'll be fun. I need to figure out how to get it done though because I simply don't have the money or resources necessary to truly create the film I envision.

But its just a shame there are NO black super heros being done in hollywood these days. ZIP NADDA ZERO.

We'll see. Gonna have to be clever about it, ya know. Use trick photography and maybe green screen to get a lot of things done.

I'm learning how to use sony vegas and can edit things pretty well. Need to get good at shit like adobe after effects to add all the fx with the lightning and shit.

should be fun. GET READY FOR A SHOCK.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ruminations on ass and titties

I haven't masturbated in days, people. Usually I have no choice. i go along and think I can overcome the urge, but then I can't help myself and say fuck it and have a good wack to some beautiful white girl titties...

Makes me think having kids is inevitable... Lol, not that I ever wanted any. Ya know... shit. It's hard to live in this fucked up world. What a bag of lies us black kids have been fed all our lives. We don't have no opportunities to do shit. Ain't no white people want blacks fucking their daughters. That's why we ain't going to get anywhere.

I told myself that if I wanted to achieve things, I'd need time, and you won't have time if you're taking care of a baby, you just won't.

Maybe some look down on me for that, but that's not your problem. Have a brady bunch, enjoy it, god be with you. I'm not going to get in your way... Don't get in mine.

What is it I want to do? I'd like to continue my studies if possible. I'm an avid space nut, physics, science, astronomy, anything and everything that has to do with time and space. I feel that we've only gotten so far with these subjects primarily because those who are the titans in those fields have too many obligations. I'm a free man, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Yeah it's hard. I go to the train station and there's this hot as fuck asian girl sitting on a bench. Yeah I go to library and there's this sexay ass bitch talking on the phone, what a torturous fate to be dealt in life. I envy the kids at the ball park, just playing basketball and not giving a flying shit about ass and titties.... ugh. to be rid of this burden.