Sunday, October 27, 2013

career choice

Not really a career choice, more of a personal hobby but potential career. I've always been doing graphic design and shit since I was a kid. Now I'm slowly teaching myself how to use after effects and Sony Vegas.

Thank God the internet is truly a limitless resource for information about how to use this thing. Fuck yes.

I can't begin to image the possibilities with this thing if I figure out all the little ins and outs of it. Same with Java programming. I've written 3 programs so far... Programming I can imagine is quite a lucrative career if you learn how to do it properly....

Fuck if it isn't like trying to figure out a complex math problem. Really burns your brain. Who the fuck invents this shit? No doubt those MIT people...

No big deal. I can and I will get my head around it. It's profoundly dissappointing to merely get a little older and have a gaggle of assholes trying to convince you that you can't EVER improve your intellect or whatever. I'm 27, with no kids. What the FUCK are you talking about? I can only presume those people are just retarded. No, it's just racism.

I get it. Rah rah rah, only whites should do the smart shit.

Anyway, back to being my nerdy urkel self. I KNOW I'm intelligent, always have been. I learn fast, I read fast, I retain things almost instantly with little recall. So yeah US black people exist, sorry...

The question is can I do the advanced level shit... with time, yeah, I probably can. We'll see. I hate the tedium of this crap. But I have the time so we'll make the most of it...

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