Monday, June 22, 2009

Golly wiz

I put some hair milk in my nappy nigger hair to see if it would help make it less like a wild jungle ape's fur, give it a more civilized appearance. I got to tell ya internet... That's the problem with niggers, they don't teach their kids shit. I never learned how to deal with these fucked up naps. I'm also abstaining from sex as an experiment to see if I can go without it. It's been said online that either you simply don't masturbate during basic training or the military puts some kind of drug in the food that slows your sex drive. I hope I learn about sex in there. I'm 23, right. And that's old. but you know why there's such a huge disparity between boys and girls as far as maturity and graduations go? Girls get fucked when they're like 10 or something. Boys, not until at the least 18, most probably 30. Thats why when i was at college I saw a lot of older guys there, niggers my age, white boys around 25, indian guys lookin 27. They've been in entry level jobs for a while and were just trying to get a degree so they can get pussy. Same with the military. Lots of virgins go in like me I guess, hoping to look sharp so they can get pussy when they come out. It's better to try than die alone anyway.

And women know this. They're crazy. I hate women, they think that we don't know that they're playing games and stuff. I don't mind working, but what I do mind is having to be the one to do all the work when it comes to getting pussy. But society's fuzzy on that isn't it. in truth, we live in a society here in USA that's terrified of talking openly about sex. Why? Because there are children listening. And no one wants children thinking about that. Most kids see marriage as a fantasy thing that they'll do some day, not the part about sticking a penis into a vagina. They're not told shit squat about that in school. So they drop out and learn it the hard way. We believe we know it all, but man are we humans dumb as shit. When DO you get to fuck? Never, if old people have it their way. Young people despite working hard in school all their lives are expected to then want to go work for some bullshit employer. If they're smart they'll get a nice easy job and find a bitch from some other country to fuck. That's for sure... That's what I hope i can accomplish. I'm determined to give back to society but I have to watch my own ass too since NOBODY cares about me. I have to find some butt and the one advantage I have is that women today are scared of dying alone so they're much more willing to give any swinging dick a chance now...

Oh yeah, don't even get me started on that. All these independent career women are miserable as hell because they've now realized being a man is shit. No wonder so many female teachers have sex with students. Oh well, I'm just going to sit back and watch the world collapse in on itself. ORRRRRRRRRRR see how women come around to realizing they were wrong. La la la la..

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