Saturday, March 7, 2009


Is gay. Frappin sitting here feeling like I don't know what to do in life, whether I'll be stuck at this job forever, etc. having to push myself harder than anyone else because I'm black. My father tells me to relax, don't try too hard, but I know he's just trying to protect me from developing his mental disorder which I'm predisposed to. He's an idiot. Why squash my potential to become a great person because of your own insecurities? That's parenting, man, having to take the hard road and let go of your beloved children one day, you bastard...

I'm watching the new star trek trailer now, looks like it'll be great, but now that I'm older I'm just losing interest in pop culture movies... I'm more interested in girls... but I can't get any... sucks... sucks so much it makes me want to die.

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