Tuesday, March 31, 2009

peanut butter jelly time

Back from work. Tired. My foot's got some shit wrong with it. My brain's craving some endorphin high. I ate some candy though I'm not supposed to since it'll cause weight gain. I figure my body's going to gobble up the sugar anyway since I'm in much better shape now than I was last year. I'm back to the same weight I was when I was about 16 or so. Amazing how all my weight problems were caused by poor nutrition. Isn't that just shit? Why don't we get THAT taught to us in school instead of fucking parabolas. Oh right, because pepsi co. needs kids to buy their shit. Sigh, well I'm going to sleep and then tomorrow or today rather I go to a hotel to spend the night before heading to MEPS.

I'm so scared. This is it, man. If I don't get a waiver from the surgeon general, I'm done, no airforce for me. I ask myself, am i really willing to do this? I could die in the military. I don't even know if I'm doing this for the right reasons either. Do I really want to give back to society or want to be respected and have potential to get better jobs etc. What about all the assholes I'll meet inside? Will I be tough enough to handle their shit?

I don't know...

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